All these pictures were taken by my friend Rodney Boutin. He was born in "Les Cayes", studied Marketing in the Dominican Republic. Now, he's back in Haiti. Ever since we were younger, he has always been passionate about "Les Cayes". Now - He is using his passion for Photography to show the beauty of the city.
1.- Road to "Les Cayes".
Well, Because to get to Les Cayes, you have to get on this road. It's the second longest Interstate highway in the country. And as you can see, it's splendid.
2.- "Quatre Chemins"
No Other city in Haiti has this entrance. This Intersection links three highways and a boulevard. The Three highways lead to Port-au-Prince, Camp-Perrin and Port-Salut, The Boulevard is the entrance to the city.
3.- "Carrefour Aurel"
One of the most popular intersections of "Les Cayes", perhaps right after "Quatre Chemins". It links five very traveled streets. And it was home to the only functional movie theatre, "AudioVision".
4.- The Cathedral
This one is my personal favorite. It shows the Cathedral of Les Cayes, and to the left of the church there's Institution Frere Odile Joseph, where I spent 12 years of my life. It's also at that Cathedral that I received my first Communion, reconciliation and my confirmation.
5.- Gelee Beach
One of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti. The white sand of Gelée beach is very popular in Haiti, not only for its restaurants which serve typical southern Haiti dishes such as tonm-tonm, grilled-conch, grilled-fish and lobster, but also for hosting an annual music festival around mid-August which usually features some of the best Compas music bands
6.- Ports.
"Les Cayes" has two ports, one commercial and one touristic.
7.- Pont L'Islet.
This Bridge spans one of the rivers of "Les Cayes".
8.- A Magnificent City.
I asked Rodney Boutin to describe this picture in one word, and he said, "Magic". And He was right, I couldn't believe my eyes.
9.- "Carrefour Tambour"
I whitened this being built in 2003, as I lived now to far from there. It symbolizes the drums that they used in the Haitian Revolution in 1803. It was built to celebrate its 200th anniversary.
10.- The City
Well, This would be your guide should you decide to experience "Les Cayes" yourself.